Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost?

I have a standing fee of $75 per session but don’t want price to hinder you getting the help you need. We can talk more about what works best for you when we set up sessions.

Do you have certification?

Yes! I have one masters degree and have a second degree in progress. I also have life coaching certifications and spiritual director credentials.

Is it religious?

My work is to serve you in whatever worldview and faith tradition you come from. Unless you specifically request something, I will not bring my religious views in to the process

How long are sessions?

45 minutes to an hour unless you need more time.

How often do we meet?

We will meet as frequently as you would like.

I see the most progress with people I meet with at least once a week or every other week at the start of the process.

where are you located?

I am located in Oklahoma City. Specifically in the quail creek area off of north may avenue near lake Hefner.